The Qian Hexagram

The Qian hexagram(the symbol of heaven)predicates supremacy,
success, potentiality and perseverance.

(1 is bottomline, 6 is topline and 7 is out of topline of the picture)

1.The dragon is lying in wait.
  The time for acton is not ripe.
2.The dragon appears in the fields.
  It is time for the great man to emerge from obscurity.
3.The gentleman strives hard all day long.
  He is vigilant even at nighttime.
  By so doing, he will be safe in times of danger.
4.The dragon will either soar to the sky
  Or remain in the deep.
5.The dragon is flying in the sky.
  It is time for the great man to come to the fore.
6.The dragon has soared to the zenith.
  It will regret sooner or later.
7.None of the dragons claims to be the chief.
  It is a sign of good omen.


This page is created by YD May.27.2000