The Kun Hexagram

The Kun hexagram(the symbol of earth)predicates supremancy and
success. There is potentiallity in perscverance with the submissiveness
of a mare. When a gentleman goes anywhere, he will go astray if he takes 
the lead and he will have guidance if he follows behind. The potentiality
lies in finding friends in the southwest and losing friends in the 
northwest. Peaceful perseverance is a sign of good omen.

(1 is bottomline, 6 is topline and 7 is out of topline of the picture)

1.When you tread on hoarfost,
  Solid ice will appera soon.
2.If you are fair and square,
  You will reap benefit without exertion.
3.Keep Your briliance concealed;
  You'd better persevere in doing this.
  If you have the chance to serve the king.
  You should claim no credit but do good sercice.
4.If you are reticent like a tied-up sack,
  You will receive neither blame nor praise.
5.You are dressed in yellow like an aooficial,
  This is a sign of supreme omen.
6.The dragon comes to fight in the wilderness.
  Blood runs black and yellow.
7.Potentiality lies in eternal perseverance.


This page is created by YD May.27.2000